Why subscribe?
This newsletter was first called The Digital Kierkegaard, and it consisted of regular quotes from the great Danish thinker Søren Kierkegaard (1813-55), plus explanatory comments from me. While taking a break from the The Digital Kierkegaard to finish a pair of book-length projects (both due later in 2022), I decided to “rebrand” The Digital Kierkegaard as Just FYI: 1 Thought + 1 Plug + 1 Quote. This title is meant to be taken literally: each day (Monday - Saturday) I will present an idea that has been intriguing or puzzling me; a recommendation for something I think worth reading, watching, etc.; and a quote from a notable thinker or writer. Needless to say, Kierkegaard will remain an important part of what this newsletter is about, but it will be in a more diffuse, multifarious way.
For those who subscribed to The Digital Kierkegaard: thank you not only for your interest, but also for bearing with me over the last few months. For those who have just stumbled upon this page: please subscribe and keep coming back.
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